He sat there on a bench, hunched against the night’s cold  
No jacket, just a scarf, his shoes rundown, so old 
He mumbled to himself, as those types often do 
And hugged his arms around his chest, each time the wind blew 

His expression made me think of a person I once knew  
So I threw him a dollar and his sad eyes said, “thank you”
I thought, as I walked away, “that could be me someday” 
And many cold blocks later, that thought was there to stay

CHORUS: I thought about this world’s strays
Its vagrants, tramps, its castaways, 
Someone’s child, a mom or dad, 
Or the friend I never had? 

I walked the long walk back, against a driving sleet 
Filled with good intentions, and a measure of conceit 
The icy bench was empty, but his scarf, it still lay there 
I sat down beside it, and began to really care 

Chilled to the bone I wrapped his scarf around my collar 
Hours passed, people passed, one tossed me a dollar 
I felt the icy blasts of wind, I felt the falling snow  
I felt much wiser then, than just three hours ago, 

CHORUS: Have you thought about this world’s strays 
Its vagrants, tramps, its castaways, 
Someone’s child, a mom or dad, 
Or the friend you never had? 

At three a.m. a man came by. He gave me quite a start 
When he sat down by me, I felt the beating of my heart 
He didn’t say a word, just sat there really still 
And though we’d never met, I felt I knew him well  

Another hour passed as we endured the winter storm 
But, when he arose to leave, I suddenly felt warm 
His hopeful eyes met mine and I felt him search me deep 
As darkness closed around him, I heard, “Feed my sheep” 

CHORUS: And I thought about this world’s strays 
Its vagrants, tramps, its castaways, 
Someone’s child, a mom or dad, 
Or the friend I never had? 

(music and lyrics by M. James & J. James)